Our network of engaged voters can win this… Join us!

Team 26 is a group of spirited, positive doers. We welcome you – dropping campaign info cards at the doors of homes, writing postcards to rural neighbors, doorbelling and phone banking, helping with social media, doing background research on upcoming community events or legislative issues, or helping plan special events.
You can get the word out by wearing a campaign button and hosting a so-important lawn sign or banner.
Fill out the form below, or email our Campaign Chair, Dean Myerson, at dean (@) masonfororegon.com with how you’re ready to help us win this important and close senate race.
Thank you!
The towns and rural areas of Oregon Senate District 26 will be particularly impacted by climate change over the coming four years – the length of service of your next Dist. 26 Senator. Now is the time for Raz Mason’s positive and thoughtful leadership. Let’s make it count!