Raz Mason understands the urgency necessary to address the climate crisis, as well as the major economic benefits of building out clean energy infrastructure. We need builders, not legislators that…
Raz is a thoughtful, passionate, and intelligent leader in climate change resiliency. In a time when we need solutions and leadership, I look forward to her presence in the State…
To me Raz Mason is an ideal choice for this Senate seat. First, you would be hard pressed to find someone with more varied work and life experiences than Raz.…
I endorse Raz Mason because of her sincere commitment to social justice and equality for all.Rosa Colquitt, Vice Chair, Democratic Party of Oregon and Chair, Democratic Party Black Caucus -…
https://youtu.be/m7bABnYSzTM Resources Portland Police Behavioral Health UnitSan Francisco Police Crisis Intervention Team (peacefully resolves 99.9% of crisis-related calls)Portland Street ResponseVera Institute report/overviewCrisis Intervention Team example from Akron, OH Legislative priorities:…
Raz listens, learns, and then acts - crucial steps in success. As a board member of the climate change education foundation that Raz co-founded, I saw firsthand her ability to…
I first met Raz Mason in 2018 when she was a candidate for Congressional District 2, where I live. She seemed like a very smart person, knowledgeable about issues, interested…
Raz Mason and I have been friends for almost 8 years. We've had many discussions about local politics due to my involvement in city committees. I'm a lifelong conservative and…
I have followed Raz Mason since her 2018 campaign and endorse her for her intelligence and sensitivity. She is a person who is running simply to serve all the people…