Community Leader & Advocate for Collaborative Governance
Andrea identifies as Chicana; pronouns are she/her/ella. Andrea looks to engage and always learn more about bringing people together from disparate environments and ecologies to understand one another, share, and comment. She shows this through multifaceted consultation throughout the state.
Andrea’s core values are building and sustaining community, and being intentional about building common ground among people who agree to disagree. She has served different organizations in different parts of the state – supporting rural and coastal areas, urban, and suburban communities.
- More than a year just concluded as interim executive director of Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon.
- Part of the Conversation Project of Oregon Humanities, which trains people to have difficult conversations.
- Advisory Committee for the OSU Extension Program for the Solve Pest Problem online resource.
- Member of the Quality of Life and Palliative Care Interdisciplinary Advisory Council for the State of Oregon through the Oregon Health Authority.
- Project management for the National Policy Consensus Center, from which comes Oregon Solutions, where Andrea facilitated targeted issues discussions throughout the state via the Kitchen Table Project.
- Former Chair of State of Oregon Commission on Hispanic Affairs.
- Board certified clinical and palliative care chaplain. Andrea identities as an ecumenist and interfaith practitioner, looking at the broader scope of connectedness.
Andrea is very much an advocate of both elected and citizen governance, pursuing interconnectedness, instead of divisions. Join us for an evening of conversation and insight from a diverse group of Oregon leaders, in support of Raz Mason’s campaign for the toss-up race in Senate District 26 (“the Mt. Hood District”) – important to the state for maintaining a blue majority.